What to expect from Colonic Treatment in BristolPeople choose to have Colonic Irrigation (Colonic Hydrotherapy) treatments for different reasons. Establishing your objectives beforehand will ensure a personalised treatment that best suits your own needs.
A full medical case history will be taken and the treatment process explained to you. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions. During a treatment, small amounts of water are allowed to enter the bowel. The water acts as a stimulant to tell the bowel it is full, and the bowel responds by contracting in the same way as when you naturally need to empty your bowel. The waste matter and water are carried away in an outlet tube without any smell or mess. Sometime herbal infusions are used during a colonic treatment and gentle abdominal massage may be given. You do not need to make any special changes to your diet or lifestyle before a treatment, although it can be helpful to take herbs for a few days preceding treatment if your bowels are sluggish. Treatments last from 60-90 minutes. To find out more about Colonic Irrigation, Natural Digestive Health Care and Diagnostic Tests visit www.coloncarecentre.co.uk Clinic details:Koren offers Colonic Irrigation treatments at The Practice Rooms in Cotham, Bristol. More details can be found in the contact section.
If you wish to make a booking please call Koren on 0117 2510 277 |
"Koren has a very kind and benevolent manner and I always feel that she is 100% focused on giving the treatment. I come away feeling much more content in my body."
Mark Dunn (Business Advisor). |