Bristol Acupuncture Clinics - a Typical Treatment
A typical acupuncture treatment at one of our Bristol Acupuncture Clinics includes a combination of Five Elements, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Stems & Branches to diagnose and treat both physical and emotional problems.
Other techniques may be used alongside acupuncture including massage, moxibustion (the use of a burning herb to create warmth and energy) and cupping (the application of suction cups to draw out toxins or pathogens). Your initial consultation and treatment will last for up to 60 minutes. During this session you will be asked questions about your health, diet and lifestyle, followed by pulse and tongue diagnosis prior to the treatment. Follow up sessions last between 45 minutes and 1 hour. The number and frequency of treatments varies for each individual, as everyone is treated uniquely according to their own health needs. This will be assessed and discussed in your first session. Typically a course of acupuncture is between 3 and 8 treatments. |
Please try to avoid coffee and alcohol immediately before or after your session. If you are on medication or have had recent medical test results, please bring details of these with you.
Koren holds regular clinics at various locations in Bristol. More details can be found in the contact section. If you require further information or wish to make a booking please contact Koren on 07709 167 562.
"Koren took a full assessment of my health, diet and general well being before treating me with acupuncture. I really feel Koren not only treated me but educated me... I always recommend Koren to other people because I feel everybody deserves this level of care and understanding."
Jack Turner |